According to the County of Los Angelesrats are nocturnal, usually from around half an hour after sunset to half an hour before sunrise. However, rats aren’t limited to nocturnal activity and may also come out during the day for various reasons.

For example, night clubs are busy at night. Because of this, rat activity during the day is higher than at night in night clubs. The noise and many people at night make rats uncomfortable. They may come out during the day to look for food and water.

Rats are commonly spotted in daylight hours in gardens or other outdoor areas. They often travel from one garden to another as they are opportunistic creatures. Vegetables, nut and fruit trees found in gardens and yards offer food sources for rats.

Rats like their usual food from nature. But they also like bird feeders, pet food bowls, and leftover food on your grill. These animals always look for hiding spots, like plants with many leaves or gardens full of plants. Additionally, rats are often attracted to leftover food in your garbage cans.

When there is dog poop in your yard, it can draw rats towards it since they seem to enjoy dog droppings. Also, rats may frequent your outdoor area more often when it becomes part of their routine. However, rats are typically active during the night to avoid getting attacked by predators, including hawks and other birds of prey.

If you spot them in your house during the day, it’s time to contact On Demand Pest Control. We can check your home and make a plan to get rid of rats. This way, rats won’t grow in number and harm your family or pets.

Where Do Rats Hide During the Day?

Identifying pests is crucial for your household’s safety. These destructive creatures chew on wires, walls, and insulation, contaminating your home with excrement. Dreadfully, they also carry hazardous diseases that can put you and your loved ones at risk.

Rats are expert hiders during the day. They frequently look for secluded areas that aren’t disturbed often to hide. Outside, rats prefer to hide beneath debris, trash piles, dumpsters, and trees, in addition to inside sewers and trash cans. They also occasionally hide under bushes or shrubs, inside woodpiles, and within gutters.

Rats can be found hiding indoors in various places such as holes, cracks, and crevices. They can be found in:

  • Bathroom and kitchen drains
  • Hiding behind cabinets and appliances.
  • Air ducts and vents
  • Cluttered areas and storage containers
  • Crawlspaces, attics, garages, and basements

Crack in Wall (Possible Hiding Spot)

If you spot a rat during daylight hours, it may be a sign of a bigger rat problem. Seeing one rat might not be a big worry. But, if you find many rats or see one with other warning signs, take it seriously. Some common signs of a rat infestation are:

  1. Finding droppings, especially in one area.
  2. Seeing chew marks on things like wires, food containers, or other items.
  3. Discovering nesting materials, like paper or fabric.
  4. Smelling a bad, musty odor.

What Are Rats Doing in Your Attic or Crawlspace at Night?

Playing – Rats are highly social animals and tend to be more active during the night. They love to play and interact with each other, especially in groups. You might see one rat and find many more. They often live together in big or small groups.

Foraging – Rats love to devote a significant amount of their time in search of food. They are flexible in their habits and will often venture out during the middle of the night. However, most rats prefer to feed during twilight hours or right before the break of dawn. Additionally, rats continually gnaw to keep their teeth from overgrowing since their teeth never stop growing throughout their lives.

Nesting – Rats make nests in your attic or crawlspace. They use materials like insulation, cardboard, and soft wood. They chew, dig, and tear these materials to create their home.

Socializing – Rats are social creatures and use high-frequency ultrasound communication to interact with one another. This communication has many uses. It helps females find and talk to their young ones, and helps males and females mate. Plus, it allows them to express pain or discomfort.

What Should You Do If You Hear Rats at Night?

Remember that diseases can spread through both direct and indirect contact with rats. Furthermore, the constant need for gnawing and chewing can lead to rats causing physical damage to homes and businesses.

Check your crawl space and attic often. This keeps your home healthy and prevents rats from nesting there.

At On Demand Pest Control, we offer great pest control services. We also give free inspections, focusing on places where rats and other rodents are usually found. We have expertise in dealing with rat infestations and even provide rat traps to eliminate the rats. Contact us now to begin!

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